We are currently working on getting delicious, taste-tested recipes from anyone and everyone. If you have a recipe you'd like to submit please email it to us at
mail@flirtyaprons.com. We're hoping to get enough great recipes to have the cookbook out in 2010. We'll keep a list on our blog of all of the recipe submissions so far -- see the list below.
Chance to Win a Free Apron - You may submit up to five recipes per person.
- Each submission gives you one entry into a drawing that will take place when we are ready to put the cookbook together.
- It MUST be an original recipe, never before professionally published.
Recipe Submissions Thus FarLisa Long (Chinese Chicken Sandwiches)
Rebecca Nutshall (Crispy Cookie Peach Cobbler)
Rebecca Nutshall (Swedish Meatballs & Rice Pilaf)
Jamie Taylor (Triple Layer Chocolate Cake)
Meagan Hollowman (Raspberry Lemon Cream Eclairs)